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20700 Carmen Loop #120
Bend, Oregon 97702


Hand-painted artisan tile, made in the US.



Tile + Color

Filtering by Tag: hand-painted tile

World Rustic - Fireplaces

justyn livingston

With custom artisan tile, one can benefit from an easier installation process since the artisan can be a part of the initial planning and create something to fit an existing mantel or site. For example, this custom fire surround was created to fit the space exactly. The tiles were cut and the edges carefully ground prior to glazing (an involved process. By doing it this way, no one can tell that all of the tiles are different sizes! (of course it did not fit with full-sized tile). It saves cutting any decorative tile (no tile setter wants to do that) onsite..and saves on the tile installation. Really.

Remodeling and Home Design